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Catching Luke Page 4
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Page 4
After checking in with the manager and going through the details of the evening, she and Kelsey sat at the bar and relaxed over drinks until it was time for everyone to arrive. And of course, her best friend picked up on what she’d been thinking about all day.
“How about picking a guy who’s a little bad, who doesn’t need you but wants you?” Kelsey asked Lara. “I mean George was a dud and you haven’t really had a guy erase the memory of what Nate did to you. I think hooking up with someone who’s guaranteed to curl your toes is just what you need.”
Lara had heard it all before. Her friends wanted her happy and with someone she wasn’t trying to mold into Mr. Right like she had with her ex, Nate the cheater. Lara hadn’t yet told Kelsey that she’d been giving a lot of thought to Luke. Maybe he was just the guy Lara needed in her life, especially after the steamy dream she had last night . . . What she needed was more Mr. Bad Boy than Mr. Boring and Safe.
Kelsey snapped her fingers and startled Lara out of her thoughts. “Wait a minute. Is that why you clam up whenever Luke is around? Because here’s a guy who’s not looking for a mommy figure, someone who’ll pat him on the head and cook him a nice meal like your other dates? Luke could actually just want to rock your world with no strings attached. No hidden agenda, am I right?”
“You sound like Caris. Knock it off. I don’t need to be psychoanalyzed right now. I just need you to concentrate on your upcoming wedding and stop worrying about me. Okay?” Lara pleaded.
“Look, something’s got to change, Lara. And you’re seriously worrying me. I need to know you’re happy, not just putting on a face for the rest of us. Plus, you might be moving soon and I’m still not sure how I feel about that.” Kelsey waved toward the entrance of the club. Maverick had just arrived and Luke was right beside him.
“Don’t look, he’s here and he’s solo.” Kelsey shot Lara a sly smile. “And from what Mav tells me he’s never at a loss for a date, if he wants one. So maybe, he’s looking to pick up where you two left off?”
Lara refused to look at the man who’d turned her inside out over the past few days. Quite often she asked herself ‘what could one night hurt?’ The biggest problem was it wouldn’t just be one night. They’d be seeing each, a lot, over the summer.
There was the rehearsal dinner, a team bar-b-que, she’d probably have to go to another game or two and then there was the wedding. But then...maybe after...no. Just no. She wasn’t built that way. Besides her track record spoke for itself. She didn’t do one-night stands. Her heart attached too easily once sex was involved.
“Give it a go, Lara. If nothing else, you’ll have a night of mind-blowing sex and guaranteed multiple orgasms.” Kelsey winked and Lara squirmed in her seat.
“How would you know? Have you been quizzing his former bed partners?” Lara huffed out. Secretly she knew though. The way her body reacted to Luke each time she was near him was romance novel worthy. Rumor was he didn’t get his nickname, “Hands” simply because he could hold four baseballs in one palm. His trail of broken hearts was long, and she didn’t want her name added to that list.
“Girl, even I can tell by looking at that man what he’s capable of between the sheets. He didn’t earn his reputation by attending church every Sunday.”
Yet another reason to avoid the love ’em and leave ’em star player. This team seemed to be full of them. Kelsey already had her hands full as the team’s VP of Communications keeping the rookies focused on their job and not on the ever-present ball girls. It seemed everyone wanted to be seen partying with an Outlaw.
“Look, you’ve been complaining about my bragging over Mav’s, um . . . prowess. Well, now it’s your turn. Time to end the drought.”
“Jeez, Kels. You make me sound desperate. Which I’m not, by the way. If the tables were turned and I was trying to pimp you out to Maverick, you can bet you’d laugh in my face and walk away.” Lara turned sideways and looked around the bar and found Luke staring at her. She fought not to react, schooled her features into a bored look and turned back toward Kelsey.
Damn, damn, damn. She promised herself she wouldn’t look and now he probably thought she was checking him out. Which she kinda was, but she didn’t want him to know that.
“Kelsey, I’m not looking for just one night. I’m not even looking for long term. I need to focus on me and the hell that is my job. Being tied up in knots by some guy who only wants a booty call is not my priority right now.” Lara straightened her halter and made sure the short leather jacket covered her middle. She was having second thoughts about her wardrobe choice. She was dressed more for a night at a dance club than an engagement dinner with friends and family.
“Bullshit. You, my friend, protest too much. If hooking up with Luke meant nothing to you, this conversation would have ended long ago, instead of you sitting here listening to me talk you into it. Honey, I know your job hasn’t been all you’d hoped for but c’mon, admit it, you wouldn’t have worn that hot outfit if you weren’t out to attract a certain someone’s attention.” Kelsey leaned back and took a sip from her wine, staring Lara down with an “I dare you to deny it” smirk.
Lara opened her mouth to protest, when Kelsey stunned her into continued silence.
“By the way he’s checking you out right now. Make up your mind quick, Lara. I believe that man is on a mission, and that mission is you.”
And that was what worried Lara the most. She wasn’t sure she could hold back her true desire much longer where Luke was concerned.
Her track record with men was on the wrong side of happily ever after. Not sure it even really existed, she was cautiously optimistic it would work out for her bestie, Kelsey, and Maverick.
Maybe what she should do is the exact opposite of what she normally did with a guy. And that was to not date him, coddle his ego, or make sure she did and said everything just right. Maybe she should just go for it, and consequences be damned?
Question was, could she walk away the next morning, no strings attached?
Luke waited. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and took another pull from the bottle of one of his favorite porters. He’d wanted to speak with Mav before he approached Lara, but the minister who’d played some double A ball back before he entered the seminary wanted Mav’s opinion on a new prospect the Outlaws’ farm team had just picked up.
He decided to give them another five minutes before he made his move without Mav’s okay. Not that he needed permission, but Mav had become close to Lara since his engagement to Kelsey and Luke didn’t want his friend pissed off by his interest in her. Before the five minutes was up though, T.S. entered the building and made a beeline for him.
“T.S.” Luke nodded. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
T.S. didn’t respond right away. This was the first time they’d seen each other since T.S. had chewed his ass over the motorcycle. The same one he’d driven to the party. Shit, he wished he’d known T.S. would be here.
“Wouldn’t miss it. Kelsey and I go way back, before I hired her to help out Mav with his image problem. I thought you knew we both grew up here in Pineville?”
“No sir, I must have missed that bit of information.”
“Cut out the ‘sir’ shit. I think we’re past that, especially after our last talk. You stay off the death trap and things will be just fine between us.”
Luke took another sip of his beer and nodded. No way was he going to answer him. Shit, his stubborn ass was going to get him kicked off the team. He was suddenly overwhelmed by the same feeling he had when he was little and got caught taking a box of cookies out of the pantry. Tonight would be his last ride.
“Tell me, how do you feel about the Devils after the All-Star break? You and Mav ready to do battle with Leonard?”
“We’ve been watching films and I’m pretty confident we’ve got his weaknesses figured out. Besides, he’s grown arrogant. It’s time to keep it tight and hand him three Xs right at the beginning of
the game.”
T.S., unlike other owners, could have easily passed for a ballplayer himself, but he didn’t have the “it” factor to continue beyond college. However, he loved the game and was a bloodhound when it came to sniffing out information.
Whether in his boardroom or the locker room, T.S. was a hands-on owner and respected his players. Something most of them hadn’t experienced with the previous ownership. It was something to get used to and Luke liked the guy on a personal level as well, but he didn’t want to become buddies, especially with the whole bike issue.
“That’s what I want to hear. Hey, why were you the only one in the weight room the other day? Is there something going on that I should be worried about?”
“No, nothing that needs special attention. Just want to make sure I’m in top form. I plan on the team playing into October.” Luke grinned. “I also need to keep up with the rookies. I may think I’m still in my twenties, but the truth is at thirty-two, I need to work twice as hard off the field to keep up with Maverick and the rest of the pitchers.”
“I doubt that, Luke. But it’s nice to see one of our senior players setting a good example for the rookies. Hell, even some of the old-timers need to take a page out of your book.”
“Thanks, T.S. I appreciate that.” Out of the corner of his eye Luke watched Lara make her way to the ladies’ room. Right down the hall from the alcove he’d picked for their encounter.
“T.S., if you’ll excuse me, I have something I need to take care of before Mav and Kelsey get ready to herd us into dinner.”
T.S. looked in the direction Luke’s gaze had gone and chuckled. “No worries. I’d be doing the same, but I’m planning on letting my prey sweat it out just a bit longer before I make my move.” T.S. patted Luke on the back with a “good luck,” and made his way over to the bar.
What the hell? Who was in T.S.’s sights and how did he know the something he needed to take care of was Lara? Sometimes that man’s ability to read a situation was spooky.
But just when he thought he had a clear path to Lara, Caris Sloane approached him. She was Kelsey and Lara’s friend and the woman who’d helped Mav work through the block he’d created after his brother’s death last year.
He took a look around the room again and saw that Lara had already made it down the hall. Hopefully this little chat would be quick.
“Hi, Luke. You have a minute?” Caris asked.
Caris had her own psychology practice, was gorgeous and single, and if he hadn’t been so tied up with seducing Lara, he might have made a play for her.
“Sure. How’ve you been?”
“Good. Great, actually. Business has exploded since it was leaked that Mav was a client. I’m at the point where I’ll need to add a partner. And soon.”
Over Caris’s shoulder, he noticed his team manager, Blake Anderson, standing at the bar giving him a death stare. What was up with him? He focused back on Caris while she told him about her search for a partner, and then it hit him. Blake had the hots for the curvy doc. Oh man, this was going to be fun.
She placed a hand on his arm and Luke grinned. He could feel the death stare. Oh yeah, the man was livid. Interesting. He’d never seen the easygoing manager lose his cool. Oh, he got pissed at bad calls and smart-ass players but he was always in control. Stoic even.
“I wanted to ask how you’ve been doing since Syndi’s . . . well, since her betrayal?”
Luke had to laugh at that. Betrayal? No, he didn’t feel betrayed. You had to care about someone to feel such a deep emotion. “Embarrassed” was a better word.
“I’m fine. Never better.”
She studied him as if he were an insect under a microscope or a patient on her couch and knew what was coming next.
“That’s good to hear. But if you ever feel like talking about it, just call my office and we’ll find a time to get together.”
“Really, Caris, I’m good. She and I weren’t really . . . involved. Just casual.” He shifted his feet and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Luke, I’m going to be honest. Kelsey mentioned to me that you’re not dating. I just wanted you to know it’s a normal reaction to shy away from relationships, especially after the public way your private life was exposed. But don’t let one bad experience close you off from the possibility of finding something meaningful with someone else.”
Meaningful? Wow. Where’d she get the idea he wanted or needed something more from women than he always had—casual, mutually satisfying, and temporary? That’s all he ever gave. All he wanted.
Caris was cracking open a vault he’d spent years locking. All his hopes and desires for a real connection since his mom had left his dad for another man. Created another family—without him. She’d ensured that Luke, at the tender age of eight, would never fully trust a woman with his heart.
He needed to end this conversation with the well-meaning doctor and make sure she understood that he was fine and the subject was never going to be up for discussion again.
“Caris, I appreciate your concern and the offer. But I really have things under control. It’s no secret that I haven’t been dating, but it’s not like I now hate women because of what happened. I’m just, well . . . reevaluating my choices. Besides, I’m not the kind of guy looking for happily ever after, you know. I’m good with how my life’s been going.”
She looked like she wanted to argue. He was expecting a lecture on how everyone needed someone. Not him. No, he was fine with friends with benefits, or whatever it was called. A committed relationship was not in the cards for him. Ever.
“Hmm. Well, my offer still stands. I’m going to go find Kelsey and . . . oh, I think I saw Lara head toward the back.” She threw the last bit over her shoulder as she started to walk away and gave him a wink.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks.” Not the response he’d been expecting. At all. And how did she know he’d been on the lookout for Lara? He’d worry about that later. He needed to do one more thing before she was out of earshot.
“Thanks again for the offer, Caris.” He made sure his voice was nice and loud and carried over toward the bar where Blake was nursing his drink and trying to look like he wasn’t ready to deck him. Maybe he should let him know he wasn’t interested in Caris. It was fun yanking his manager’s chain. He’d definitely talk to him. Tomorrow.
But right now, Luke headed in the direction Caris indicated Lara had gone. Free of any more obstacles, he walked towards what he wanted. Lara.
Lara left the ladies’ room and made her way down the hall toward the elevator that would take her to the top floor where the engagement dinner would be held. She reached out to press the up button when she felt a warm hand snake around her waist. Luke murmured into her ear sending a shiver through her.
“Lara, do you have a minute?” He guided her over to a secluded seating area next to the windows facing Main Street.
“Hello, Luke. You always find it necessary to manhandle women into doing what you want, or is it just me?” Lara tried to put a teasing tone in her voice, but it came out a bit snarky.
“Any chance I have to put my hands on you, I’ll take it. I thought tonight might be a good time to discuss our situation.”
“Well, there is that matter of my offer for a bike ride and that we’ll be spending more time together with all of the wedding stuff.”
“Is this your way of asking me how my date went the other night?” Her insides ignited at the thought of him thinking about their last encounter.
“It had crossed my mind. Or it could be I’m just being polite and all.” Luke reached out and took a piece of her hair between forefinger and thumb. “You’re beautiful when you blush, do you know that?”
Lara froze and tried to control her breathing. His deep Oklahoma drawl sent heat swirling through her. Overwhelmed by his closeness, she took small, shallow breaths.
Luke leaned in, his lips inches from hers. “I can see the wheels turning,
Lara. Don’t overthink it. We both want the same thing, but I just need to hear you say it. Say you want me as much as I want you.”
Easy Lara, keep yourself together. She didn’t want to prove him right by reducing the inch or so separating them and grabbing his head and shoving her tongue down his throat. She had no idea why she was battling herself. She was beginning to get on her own nerves with all her indecisiveness.
Luke looked her up and down, sending tiny pinpricks of awareness throughout her nervous system. What he said next scrambled her brain and made her panties wet.
Luke closed the small space she’d managed to create between them and grabbed her hand. Cradling it in his larger, warmer one, he rubbed his thumb along the sensitized pad of her palm.
“Luke. I’m not sure us being together is going to work . . . we have to think about Kelsey and Mav and—”
She detected a hitch in her voice and knew she was in trouble. And if he kept caressing her hand like that she was going to spill all the naughty thoughts she’d been having about him.
“No we don’t. We’re all adults. And if two consenting adults want to have a good time together then it shouldn’t matter what their friends think. I’m a big believer in living in the moment, Lara.”
Before she could start her list of reasons they were so wrong for each other, he showed her how they could be so right. Luke took her head in his hands and kissed the ever-living life out of her. His tongue did wicked things. Toe-curling, hair-standing-on-end wonderful things.
She made sounds she didn’t know she was capable of and right when she thought she couldn’t possibly feel any higher, he pressed his erection into her belly. Her thighs softened and she held on to his massive arms for dear life.
She heard someone giggling as they walked down the hallway and she pulled back slightly. Lara wasn’t interested in being a show for someone to gawk at, but she also didn’t want this to end. They needed more privacy.
“We need to take this somewhere else. I have plans for you and I don’t want to be interrupted,” he said.